Why Having an In-House SEO is Important?

SEO has now become a complex field which involves user experience, web development and content marketing despite just bringing the traffic to the website. Furthermore, there are many businesses which have shifted their entire business operations to the internet. Yet, most of them do not pay much attention to hiring a dedicated in-house SEO expert for the purpose of marketing their business.

The most common reason is that the top business management teams do not have suitable resources to find appropriate in-house SEO experts.

This situation begs the question – is it really worth investing in an in-house SEO expert?

According to my personal experience based on years, I can say it with certainty that SEO holds importance not only for the marketing department of any company but it also involves data from other departments. It means that those departments would get a definite influence for the purpose of SEO to work in a better way.

The collaborator
If your SEO strategy is successful at bringing a lot of internet traffic, but the traffic doesn’t convert into sales, it would be a huge concern for everyone. For this purpose, you, as an in-house SEO expert, will have the duty of bringing everyone on the table to discuss the needs and goals of every department to formulate different marketing objectives. It would effectively pursue the top management to ask every department of the company to collaborate with each other and provide you with the necessary data that you can use to formulate an effective SEO strategy.

Starting a change
A lot of companies migrate to web but they usually ignore the impact this migration can leave on other departments. There are a lot of processes, even the ones that do not naturally have any association with the web, that need to overhauled in order to get appropriate spots in the digital strategy.

It basically works like this.

When you bring a dedicated and qualified SEO expert, the main job of that expert is not only to understand and implement things to improve company’s position in search engine, but he/she will also have to make sure that SEO strategy, which is being developed, is capable to provide long term results for the company. Remember, the main purpose of SEO should be to dominate the competition rather than catching up.

As a simple example, SEO of modern age is no longer about the keyword optimization only. It not equally involves content marketing, social media, user experience and even web development.

A true friend of agency

If you are planning to outsource your digital marketing tasks to SEO agency, an in-house SEO expert is the person who can help you further. Since the SEO expert in your company understands every technical detail, this person is going to be the most effective one when it comes to formulating realistic SEO goals for the agency.
